Markdown Example File

Welcome to this Markdown example file! This document showcases many of the features available in Markdown.

Table of Contents

  1. Headers
  2. Text Formatting
  3. Lists
  4. Links and Images
  5. Blockquotes
  6. Code Blocks
  7. Tables
  8. Horizontal Rules
  9. Inline HTML


Markdown supports six levels of headers.

H1 Header

H2 Header

H3 Header

H4 Header

H5 Header
H6 Header

Text Formatting

  • Italic: This text is italicized
  • Bold: This text is bold
  • Bold and Italic: This text is both bold and italic
  • Strikethrough: This text has a strikethrough


Unordered List

  • Item 1
    • Subitem 1
    • Subitem 2
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Ordered List

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Subitem 1
    2. Subitem 2
  3. Third item

Here is a link to OpenAI’s website.


Here is an image of the Markdown logo:

Markdown Logo


This is a blockquote. It is often used to highlight important information or quotes.

Another blockquote with a different style:

Nested blockquote.

Code Blocks

Inline Code

To include a piece of code within a sentence, use backticks: console.log('Hello, World!').

Fenced Code Blocks

You can create code blocks for multiple lines of code:

// JavaScript example
function greet(name) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;
